6:20 a.m.--Checked on my kids to make sure they were up and had not set their alarms incorrectly as well and found my 6th grader asleep. A well-timed flick of the light switch solved that problem (or so I thought).
6:35 a.m.--Got concerned because the 6th grader had not yet made an appearance, and found him to be still in bed, but wide awake and in possession of a very nasty attitude. He then became the lucky recipient of a few choice words by a sleep-deprived Yours Truly...none of which were 'sweetie', 'honey', 'lovebug' (his family nickname), or even his given name.
6:45 a.m.--Discovered the obstinate little bugger still in bed and threatened him with the Wrath of Mom if he was not dressed and in the car, with hair combed and teeth brushed at exactly 7:10...NO EXCUSES!!
7:10 a.m.--Managed to get myself and all necessary children into the car and down to the bus stop on time.
7:45 a.m.--Arrived at work. Noticed the temperature gauge in the car read 26 degrees outside.
7:50 a.m.--Arrived at my office. Did not need a temperature gauge to know that it was WAY TOO FREAKING COLD inside!! I then decided to work in the conference room (which was marginally warmer) instead.
From that point on, things started to improve, as I spent most of my day alternating between catching up on what's been going on in my coworkers' lives over the past couple of weeks, and actually getting some work done. Of course, if I'm honest, more time was spent on the former than the latter (and for this I will pay mightily tomorrow). To be really honest, more time was spent trying to get/stay warm than either chatting or working. You know, I'd really like to get my hands on the guy who decided that institutions built using CBS construction don't need insulation.Who wants to be warm in winter and cool in summer, anyway? Obviously not me!
But I digress...
What made this manic Monday worth getting out of bed and going to work, though, was the thoughtfulness of one of my coworkers. She had the foresight to know that none of the rest of us would be emotionally or culinarily prepared for the day, so she brought in a big pot of split-pea and ham soup to share. If there actually is a Heaven, Paradise, Nirvana, Summerland, etc..., it could not be more wonderful than the warm, creamy, hammy, and split pea-y goodness of this homemade soup! Perhaps there is a God after all--his name is Comfort Food and he is best-worshipped in communion with friends. =^)
Quote of the day:
"I sacrifice to no god save myself--And to my belly, greatest of deities."
Quote of the day:
"I sacrifice to no god save myself--And to my belly, greatest of deities."
Well, it actually was Monday when I wrote this...just didn't get posted until Tuesday. :)