Sunday, January 17, 2010

Worst Religious Metaphor

Every day, on my way to work, I pass by a small, Baptist church. This particular church has a sign (as do many others) upon which Bible verses and quotes from Church fathers are posted, as a means of inspiring those passing by, like myself. Most of these quotes induce a feeling of pity within me, for their overt condemnation of and demand for utter servilitude from the sinners they hope to inspire. Occasionally though, upon the sign will be posted something that actually elicits a giggle (unintended to be sure).

One example of this was a posting around Christmas time. I didn't have the forethought then to take a photograph or write it down for later use, so I can only give an approximation of what it said, as I'm not entirely sure of the exactness of my memory.  It was something like this:

"Crist was born to deliver us from evil."

Okay, first of all, it is funny to me that the poor man (and I know it is such as I have seen the silver-haired gentleman in action) misspelled his Lord and Saviour's name on the marquee--and left it that way for over a week. What really made me laugh and even prompts me to mention this sign is the fact that the governor of the "great" state in which I live is named Charlie Crist. Now I know that Florida has traditionally been both a Bible-belt state and a Republican state, but I had no idea that the GOP was now fusing the two together in a last-ditch effort to save a less-than-impressive governor's job by making radical claims to miraculous birth. :)

This week though, the fine people of this little church have posted another message that I believe just may be the worst religious metaphor I have ever read. This time, I did manage to photograph the sign (although rather poorly).

I call this metaphor "God is a thrift store, and His believers, the cast-off donations."

I suppose this might beg the question of who is supposedly shopping this thrift store, but I'll let more philosophically adept minds than mine ponder that.

Quote of the Day:

"If 50 million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."

--Anatole France

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